Nutritional input 

Registered Black Herefords and Registered Black Angus Cattle

Typical Triple T Angus female

New born Black Hereford

New born Black Hereford

Fall Black Hereford and new born

Fall Black Hereford and new born


180 day weaned Angus Bulls


Yearling Angus Bulls

Our hay forage is primarily alfalfa and mixed hay consisting of fescue and clover. Though it is rolling country, the soil is very fertile. We usually have adequate rainfall and with proper management, we can graze large numbers of cattle on a relatively small number of acres. Rotational grazing is a big part of our management program. We have always taken pride and intensely managed our purebred cattle herds, both Angus and Black Herefords. Our cattle are functional and conditioned to be profitable and working cattle.

We wean our cattle a little younger than most. Weaning usually starts at 180 days. We are able to do this by properly managing our pastures along with our cattle's easy fleshing genetics. Our calves are never creep fed or supplemented. We expect our cows to perform. Bull calves are expected to wean at a minimum 575 lbs and heifers at 475 lbs. If a female is not producing, she is not doing her job.

Once weaned, bulls and heifers are placed on quality forage or hay and a 14% feed ration. Bulls receive 6 lbs per day and heifers receive 3.5 lbs. Our bull yearly weight goal is a minimum of 1,000 lbs and heifers are at a minimum of 750 lbs.  We want to boost and aid in our young animal's growth through adequate and proper nutrients. When we put bulls and heifers in the field, they are conditioned and able to continue to grow in a working environment. Overly fat cattle may look impressive but as most of you well know, they are not nearly as functional.